Animals rescued by Pro Animale

In 2023 we could rescue 836 animals – 458 Dogs – 137 Cats – 10 Horses – 21 Cattle – 3 Donkeys – 35 Sheep – 21 Pigs – 17 Goats – 86 Small Animals – 48 Feathered.

(The 205 dogs and 21 cats rescued from the war zone in Kherson are not pictured here, we will dedicate a separate page to them).

Since Pro Animale was founded in 1985, one of the focal points of our work has been rescuing and caring for animals in desperate situations – in some cases buying their freedom …

  • from slaughterhouses and slaughterhouse lorries here in Germany and beyond our borders
  • from animal cruelty here in Germany and beyond our borders;
  • from dog camps in Romania, Poland, Spain or “dog and horse pounds” in Ireland;
  • from the endless army of street animals in Turkey, Poland, Italy and Ireland…
  • Rescue of ukrainian animal refugees

    After three missions between March and May, thousands of kilometers and several days of travel by Lukasz, Peter and Andreas, more than 100 Ukrainian animal refugees moved into the safe haven of the Pro Animale sanctuaries in Germany, Poland and Austria!

  • Donkey rescue

    In March and September 2018, we managed the extraordinary rescue of 64 refugee donkeys from the sideshows of war on the Turkish-Syrian border in eastern Turkey.

Pastorale – Birth of Lilou

February 29th, 2024|

Lilou was born in the safety of our pastoral home. We were able to rescue her mother Lada from an animal hoarder in November 2023 together with 12 sheep and 2 other goats.

Clinic Altinolkuk – Rescue of Efe (7 yrs)

February 26th, 2024|

A male dog was shot by his owner. The man had actually wanted to kill his wife on the street and is now in prison. Passers-by joined forces to bring the large, seriously injured male dog to the nearest veterinary practice. The dog underwent emergency surgery immediately, Nilgün was

Fellosophie – Take over of nine dogs

February 26th, 2024|

Adoption of Felipe (3 y.), Fermin (2 y.), Fausto (2 y.), Fidel (8 y.), Fortunato (3 y.), Flores (2 y.), Fabio (5 y.), Francisco (6 y.), Fernando (3 y.) - a northern Spanish city administration has been begging us for help and adoption of 9 dogs for months. Welcome

Kolebka Slonca – Rescue of Mateusz (4 yrs) and Michau (3 yrs)

February 21st, 2024|

Lukasz received a call from neighbouring eyewitnesses that there was a dog whose leg had been bitten off by another dog and the owner had done nothing, but left the dog to suffer its serious injury. Representatives from an animal welfare organisation had already been on site, but the

Samaria II – Rescue of three horses

February 19th, 2024|

Dr Jacub Wojciech finds the three slave children at the Skaryszew horse market - a seven-month-old filly standing abandoned and stressed in this cruel place, a one-year-old stallion who came here from Romania and a second perishable colt. All three, Angelina, D'Artagnan and Aramis, would, at the end of

Pastorale – Birth of Lillith

February 15th, 2024|

Little Lillith saw the light of day in the safety of our Pastorale. We were able to rescue her mother Laura from an animal hoarder in November 2023 along with 12 sheep and 2 other goats.

Copernika – Rescue of Kiara (11 yrs)

February 12th, 2024|

Lukasz was urgently asked by a local authority to adopt a bitch that had been kept in a kennel there for many months. The dog was very ill. When Lukasz was brought the dog, she was suffering from massive diarrhoea and an advanced tumour of mammary tumours. Lukasz immediately

Pastorale – Birth of Lorbeer and Lillie

February 8th, 2024|

The twin lambs Lorbeer and Lillie were brought into the world in the safety of our pastoral home by their mother Lovely, who we were able to rescue from animal hoarding in November 2023 along with 11 other sheep and 3 goats. A warm welcome to you all!

Clinic Altinoluk – Rescue of Mahmut (5 mo)

February 3rd, 2024|

Mahmut (5 months) - Local residents informed Nilgün that a small dog had been hiding under a stall at a market for days. It seemed as if he had been hit by a car, he did not react to encouragement and did not want to eat. All attempts to

Lifeline for Irish Horses – Rescue of Fantasia (13 yrs)

February 1st, 2024|

The white horse is to be called Fantasia because she has now been given a more "fantastic" species-appropriate life. She had been maltreated with ropes, as you can see from the welts. Fantasia and Freeman must have come from the same irresponsible owner, as they were abandoned together in

Lifeline for Irish Horses – Rescue of Freeman (13 yrs)

February 1st, 2024|

We were made aware of the fate of a 13-year-old pony mare and a donkey gelding of the same age who were standing in the mud on their owner's property. Their badly damaged hooves were evidence of years of neglect; the wounds on their necks of being tethered; we

Keimzelle – Rescuce of Frodo (6 mon.)

January 28th, 2024|

Once imported as a puppy from Hungary, then no longer able to keep him adequately, they wanted to "get rid" of the little boy as quickly as possible with the advert "Anyone who gets in touch today will get me for free".

Samaria II – Rescue of Lazara (23 yrs.)

January 20th, 2024|

Dr Tomana, our veterinarian friend who is responsible for our horses in southern Poland, informed us about the fate of a 23-year-old, almost blind mare from a neglected farm who was soon to be sold for international transport for slaughter. These transports are cruel. We cannot imagine what an

Pastorale – Rescue of six goats

January 20th, 2024|

Rescue of Jeremias (1 y.), Jacob (4 y.), Joy (3 y.), Julie (2 y.), Jill, (4 y.) and Jolie (1 y.) from destitution in animal hoarding, - welcome to our Pastorale!

Kollmerhof – Rescue of Cleveland Amory (28 yrs.)

January 19th, 2024|

We were able to save this 28-year-old pony gelding at the proverbial last second - he was due to be sent to Italy for international transport for slaughter in the early hours of the following morning. He had certainly been someone's favourite and pride and joy for many years

Kolebka Slonca – Rescue of Milena (5 yrs.)

January 17th, 2024|

An animal lover emailed Lukasz a picture of a dog that was vegetating in the rubbish of human neglect in a ruined house... Lukasz contacted the informant and learnt that the dog had been misused for years as a birthing machine for the illegal puppy trade... When Lukasz arrived

Clinic Altinoluk – Rescue of Müslüm (5 yrs.)

January 13th, 2024|

Nilgün is called. A badly wounded female dog has fled with her last strength into an olive grove. She has a full teat, her puppies are no longer with her. Testimony to a relentless, tragic existence as a street dog. Müslüm remains paralysed in Nilgün's care for four weeks

Kolebka Slonca – Rescue of Sara (8 yrs.)

January 12th, 2024|

The Osno Lub. office asked Lukasz to take over a dog that had been in the office's quarantine for months, she had been picked up - but no one had looked for her in all that time and there was no way to place her.

Kolebka Slonca – Rescue of Moni (1 y.)

January 10th, 2024|

There was already a court order that a man had been sanctioned with a ban on keeping dogs - already 5 months ago, whereupon a dog was taken from this unspeakable place - but the second dog on the chain had been left behind. It is minus 10 degrees

Clinic Altinoluk – Rescue of Nur (4 mon) and Adalet (4 yrs)

December 29th, 2023|

Nur (4 mon) caught our Nilgun in a school boiler room. Half of its jaw was festered and already necrotic - the kitten was no longer able to eat - miraculously, Nilgun managed to bring the little creature back to life Adalet (4 yrs) - motionless and completely dehydrated,

Rendez-vous mit Tieren – Rescue of Feliz (4 yrs)

December 25th, 2023|

Hasan Tatari received a call for help: an old tomcat had been dumped on the street by his owner and had been cared for by local residents ever since. Hasan was finally called to put the old cat to sleep. But when he saw him, it was immediately clear

Rendez-vous mit Tieren – Rescue of Noel (2 yrs)

December 24th, 2023|

We received an emergency call on Christmas Eve. A small dog had been hit by a car and fled injured. She was eventually found on the terrace of a private property. We brought the emaciated, frightened dog to our Rendez-vous with Animals so that she could be examined and

Samaria I – Rescue of Dakota (11 yrs)

December 15th, 2023|

The elderly owners were no longer able to keep the eight-year-old gelding adequately. Because he also has a sesamoid injury to his front legs, he can no longer be ridden and was in danger of being sent for slaughter. It is thanks to Dr Tomana that the owners gave

Avalon – Rescue of Salim (3 yrs)

December 13th, 2023|

The Saluki mix was rescued by a brave dog lover in Limerick on a busy road: apparently the dog had already been hit by a car, he was limping around disorientated in the middle of the traffic and was in danger of falling victim to it. We were informed

Doris Zinn Herberge – Rescue of Majka (17 yrs)

December 11th, 2023|

Adopted from our programme for former chain dogs: The little dog lady had lived in the house as a family member, but when her health became seriously impaired, they wanted to put her to sleep. Our refuge inspector Mr Och took the dog grandmother to us and after therapy

Rendez-vous mit Tieren – Rescue of Balthasar (37 yrs)

December 10th, 2023|

We received a call for help: A 30-year-old donkey stallion in an open stable that had been neglected for a long time was to be put down. His owner had been admitted to a nursing home. He had an open sarcoid and sabre hooves. Our vet and station manager

Clinic Altinoluk – Rescue of Micho (7 yrs)

December 2nd, 2023|

The miserable dog had been abused as a "birthing machine" and had now been thrown onto the street and left to starve. She wandered disorientated on the main road and would either have starved to death or become a victim of the traffic.

Clinic Altinoluk – Rescue of Burak (8 mon)

December 1st, 2023|

A barely alive little pile of cat misery with festering eyes - the extremely professional and loving care of Nilgun and her team in our clinic managed to bring the little cat back to this side of life - and today he is a gorgeous boy! Our heartfelt thanks

Clinic Altinoluk – Rescue of Feride (2 yrs)

November 30th, 2023|

A lorry driver rescued the kitten who had been attacked by a dog and brought her, seriously injured, to Nilgun in our spay and neuter clinic. She was paralysed for three weeks - but thanks to Nilgun, the deaf kitten made her way back to life.

Kollmerhof – Rescue Richard Löwenherz (24 yrs)

November 24th, 2023|

The owner, an 80-year-old man, was admitted to a retirement home. His relatives wanted to have his horse slaughtered. Richard Löwenherz has deformed teeth and needs softened feed, he suffers from ossification of the coffin bone and arthrosis.

Clinic Altinoluk – Rescue of Wonder (4 mon)

November 23rd, 2023|

A father with his crying son brings Nilgun, a kitten he found motionless under the car, to our clinic. It had been raining all night and the soaked little kitten seemed to have lost its breath until suddenly, in the warmth of our clinic, a slight meow escaped from

Rendez-vous mit Tieren – Rescue of 4 cattle

November 8th, 2023|

Salvo (8 weeks), Salvina (1.5 years), Salvatora (3 years) and Rosa (6 years) - Salvo's mother Salvina was inseminated far too early and did not have enough milk for her child. He was given a foster mother (Salvatora), but the little cow family was threatened with slaughter. We took

Clinic Altinoluk – Rescue of Alibaba (3 yrs)

October 28th, 2023|

Rescue at the last second: You can see him as our Nilgün found him on the street on 28 October, completely exhausted and emaciated to the bone - just a breath of life. Today he is safely in Nilgün's care and is on the road to recovery. Alibaba symbolises

Spartacus – Rescue of Pilgrim (35 yrs)

October 28th, 2023|

Pilgrim/Impact (35 y.) - Obenburg am Main - We received an emergency call from a German veterinary office to take over a blind 35-year-old confiscated gelding. We were his only hope. We named him Pilgrim" as he entered a new life. After his previous life had resembled a single

Fellosophie – Rescue of Topas (6 yrs)

October 14th, 2023|

Rescue of the Ukrainian war refugee, private animal rights activists rescued him and brought him to Fellosophie. Lovely and well-behaved, ideal for older people, actually adoptable.

Rendez-vous mit Tieren – Rescue of Alan (4 mon)

September 29th, 2023|

Alana (4 months) - Rescue of Alana at the last second: Dog lovers learn of the fate of 5-month-old Alana (Central Asian Ovcharka/Alabay), who was being kept tied to a crane in an industrial area and whose owner wanted to kill her. The young dog's loud, desperate howling drew

Sussita Kumi – Rescue of Soraya (22 yrs)

September 6th, 2023|

At the beginning of September, our Lukasz - Pro Animale's representative in Poland and head of our three animal welfare centres Copernika, Kolebka Slonca and MEMENTO with its associated sheep farm - was asked for immediate help to save the life of a 22-year-old mare. The mare had been

Samaria II – Rescue of Sarah (7 yrs)

September 5th, 2023|

Sarah lived alone in a small stable for several years. A few months ago, she injured the fetlock joint of her hind leg. As the wound was left untreated, a dramatic lump developed and the owner decided to sell her to a slaughterhouse. Dr Tomana drew our attention to

Fellosophie – Rescue of Kuki (13 yrs)

September 2nd, 2023|

Kuki's owner, who has been severely disabled for 8 years, has now moved into a disabled-friendly flat where pets are not allowed. Nobody would have taken the old dog master in. Kuki was in a very unkempt condition when we took him in.

Sussita Kumi – Rescue of seven kittens

September 2nd, 2023|

Kaja and Kalina (2 months), Kamil, Karol, Kasia, Kornel and Kinia (4 months) - Found cats from Rewal - The orphaned kittens were brought to us by animal lovers who had found them on the street - Tragically, Kaja died suddenly.

Sussita Kumi – Rescue of Mouzes (8 yrs.)

August 31st, 2023|

From Białokury - At dusk you suddenly appeared in the middle of the road vagabonding. We were on our way home and drove through a small village. You were completely matted and neglected - we stopped and you came up to us - as if it were a matter

Sussita Kumi – Rescue of Serena and Venus (6 Weeks)

August 30th, 2023|

From Pławęcino - the two sisters had been abandoned in a cardboard box by the roadside. Thank heavens that attentive pedestrians found the two orphans who had been taken along and notified us immediately. Venus and Serena were initially very introverted, traumatised and serious children - we don't even

Kollmerhof – Rescue of Philomena (21 yrs.)

August 26th, 2023|

Ransomed before being transported to Italy for slaughter. Exploited to the hilt and emaciated to the bone, this mare, originally a highly prized show horse, was unscrupulously handed over to the cattle dealer, now unusable.

Kolebka Slonca – Rescue of Megi (1.5 yrs.)

August 24th, 2023|

From Ownice - the hunting terrier bitch had freed herself from her brutal slave nose and had run away from her owner - she was picked up with a broken chain around her neck. The bitch was extremely traumatised, full of fear, deadly scared and completely emaciated. She is

Kolebka Slonca – Kwasior (14 yrs.)

July 28th, 2023|

Lukasz is called, a dog has fallen victim to traffic - Lukasz brings the severely injured dog grandfather to the clinic, we try everything in the following weeks to save his life, but we fail, the medication is not able to guarantee an adequate quality of life- Farewell little

Sussita Kumi – Rescue of Poldek (10 yrs.)

July 17th, 2023|

Taken over from the animal shelter in Kolberg: The poor old boy carried a 6 kg tumour. We could not escape this fate and brought Poldek to us in our Doris Zinn Senior Citizens' Shelter.of course he was operated on immediately, he is doing well - he is a

Doris Zinn-Herberge – Rescue of Ruda (8 yrs.)

July 14th, 2023|

Private animal welfare activists from Swidwin learned about the tragic fate of a female Boxer mongrel who was living in an antisocial environment. With the help of the police, the dog was confiscated and we were asked to take her in. She came to us emaciated to the bone with

Sussita Kumi – Rescue of Swider (10 y.)

June 27th, 2023|

For years, private animal welfare workers had been watching a dog living homeless on the streets of Swidwin, but all attempts to catch him failed. Then one day this pathetic dog fell victim to a traffic accident and the animal welfare workers managed to rescue him at the last

Yasam Vadisi – Rescue of Lalezar (10 y.)

June 23rd, 2023|

Nilgün received an emergency call from the forestry office in Canakkale saying that a donkey from Lapseki was suffering from unimaginable pain due to an open fracture of the leg and was standing on a highway. The animal had to be rescued immediately and brought to safety, and only

Clinic Altinoluk – Rescue of Minel (3 months

June 21st, 2023|

Last minute rescue - Nilgün finds the almost lifeless body of the 3-month-old blind little kitten on the street: due to a viral disease, both eyeballs had prolapsed. The little cat would have fallen into an agonising infirmity.

Yasam Vadisi – Rescue of Gazi (10 y.)

June 16th, 2023|

Nilgün was informed by the governor of Izmir about the dramatic fate of a donkey that was in a life-threatening condition and that our help was urgently needed: Due to tethering, the donkey's blood circulation had been so severely damaged that it had lost its limb - Gazi must

Fallada – Take over of Dukat (11 y.)

June 14th, 2023|

Dukat came from our programme for former chain dogs, the owners had become "tired" of him and no longer wanted to look after him. Naturally, they immediately brought the sweet old boy to us. The owners gave up keeping the dog. Dukat is healthy and would be overjoyed if

Our Rendez-vous mit Tieren – Rescue of Chapek (4,5 y.)

June 13th, 2023|

Wandering homeless on a country road, this big boy was rescued, he was in a completely neglected state- was distraught and very scared. His severely atrophied musculature indicated that this boy had suffered the tribulations of being a chain dog. He has developed into a wonderful social boy with

Our Fellosophie – Adoption of Gizmo (9 y.)

June 9th, 2023|

Gizmo's owner had passed away and his wife was already living in a nursing home because of her dementia - we could not close our hearts to the old dog master and let him move into our Fellosophie. The handsome boy already takes an active part in our everyday

Clinic Altinoluk – Rescue of Kaya (4 months)

June 1st, 2023|

Last minute rescue: Kaya (4 months) lay motionless on the side of the road in the shade at over 30 degrees, completely dehydrated and emaciated, with festering and bleeding wounds, a distorted image of herself - a nameless "nothing" - until Nilgün met her and managed to bring Kaya

Our Schafhof/Poland – Rescue of Aga (ca. 8 y.o.)

April 29th, 2023|

Rescue from antisocial milieu: The lady sheep had suffered a broken leg and was to be slaughtered - when Lukasz heard about it, he immediately went to her, Aga was in a completely neglected condition. Today she is well integrated in our small flock in the Schafhof at MEMENTO.

Our sanctuary Delicia Natural – Rescue of Molly (10 y.o.)

April 20th, 2023|

Rescue of the heavily pregnant, stuck cow Molly from antisocial conditions. After several days of intensive treatment, our veterinarian succeeds in getting the heavily pregnant mother ready for loading and transport. A few days after her arrival at Delicia Natural, Molly gives birth to her son Moliere. Although born

Our sanctuary Copernika/Poland – rescue of Adela (10 y.o.) and Marysia (5 y.o.) with their 10 weeks old puppies

April 14th, 2023|

In cooperation with DOCMA TV: Lukasz rescues - accompanied by animal rights activist Stefan Klippstein - four puppies from the milieu of illegal puppy trade near Gorzyna. Lukasz also succeeds in freeing the mother dogs Adela and Marysia a short time later, also for good, from their tribulation on

Our sanctuary Copernika/Poland – rescue of three puppies

April 3rd, 2023|

Together with the investigative animal welfare activist Stefan Klippstein, Lukasz rescued the three puppies Ludomir, Liwiusz and Lucja, who were just 8 weeks old, from the criminal milieu of the illegal puppy trade. The production company Docma TV has accompanied this mission documentary - today they are healthy, all

Our sanctuary Rendez-vous mit Tieren – Rescue of Nada (5 y.o.), Naum (2 y.o.), Nemanja (6 y.o.), Nevena (6 y.o.), Nikolina (2 y.o.), Novak (7 y.o.), Novica (5 y.o.), Novka (10 y.o.)

March 11th, 2023|

We couldn't escape the desperate and urgent request to take 8 dogs from the Serbian animal shelter Kimba Sremska Mitrovica. Nada (5 yo) was found in front of a building in the neighborhood. It was the dead of winter and she was freezing, emaciated and very hungry. She was

At friends of Pro Animale – Rescue of Milica (30 y.o.)

February 25th, 2023|

Rescue of a 30-year-old mare from miserable circumstances. The situation was already precarious - no one was taking care of her in the open stable. Milica’s strong character has already found a wonderful home with friends of Pro Animale. Health condition: severely emaciated, difficulty in eating, deformed teeth.

Our sanctuary “Rendezvous mit Tieren” – Adali (9 mo.), Adele (7 mo.), Amir (7 mo.), Abel (8 mo.) and Ava (2.5 mo.)

January 19th, 2023|

Six calves rescued at the last second from certain destitution after being kept in horrible conditions. Amir and Amira were so weak that they could neither stand up nor walk. Amir unfortunately died on February 20th, 2023. Abel, Adali Adele and Ava are also in severely degraded nutritional condition.

Our sanctuary “Fellosophie” – Rescue of 9 dogs

November 24th, 2022|

Maxy, Ella, Macro, Carla, Tomy, Cica, Tara, Bella, Cora - all 8 months old, come from a Romanian animal shelter in Targu Mures. Mainly because of the threatening winter approaching, we could not turn a blind eye to the Romanian animal rights activists' call for help.

Our sanctuary “Yasam Vadisi”

November 18th, 2022|

Safe at our sanctuary Yasam Vadisi (Valley of Life)  little Begüm ("the princess") saw her first light of day on November 24th. We were able to buy her mother Mengü free in July this year along with 15 other sheep at the ‘Festival of the Sacrifice’ in Burhanye.

Our sanctuary “Fellosophie”

November 16th, 2022|

Menta (1 y.o.) and Bobby (3 y.o.) were in danger of being executed in a dog slaughterhouse in Shanghai. The two were rescued by "Shanghai Rescue" animal rights activists and are now at our Fellosphie sanctuary hoping for a very happy adoption.

Our sanctuary “Keimzelle” – Rescue of 7 dogs

November 9th, 2022|

Carina (2.5 y.o.), Catalin (1 y.o.), Catalina (2 y.o.), Claudia (5.5 y.o.), Codrula (2 y.o.), Constanza (2.5 y.o.), Cosmin ( 2 y.o.) come from a Romanian animal shelter in Targu Mures. Whenever our capacity allows, we feel obliged to help this shelter with the adoption of dog refugees.

Our Rendez-vous mit Tieren – Nina

November 1st, 2022|

The owner of 3-year-old Nina fled Iran to Germany with her puppy. Unfortunately, she fell seriously ill after her arrival and was no longer able to take care of Nina. Of course we could not ignore the call for help and took Nina into our care.

Our Sorisso di San Francesco – Rescue of Cocolores

October 27th, 2022|

Walkers had found an orphaned quail chick in a ditch, taken it home and lovingly cared for it. Now they were anxious to find a safe and loving future for their fosterling and turned to us with the request to take it in our Sorriso di San Francesco.

Our Sorisso di San Francesco – Rescue of Fiocco

October 27th, 2022|

While jogging, a young man had discovered a white dwarf lion-headed rabbit, which had obviously been abandoned, right by the road - it was in danger of falling victim to traffic and was in danger of perishing. Of course we took the little delicate creature into our care.

Our office “das Grüne Haus” – Rescue of Gentleman

October 26th, 2022|

We received a call from the administration: walkers had found an obviously abandoned rooster in the forest. Armed with a landing net and towels, three of our only five employees in the office, went to the scene. They quickly succeeded in catching the rooster. So Gentleman, as we have

Our office “das Grüne Haus” – Rescue of Ballerina

October 1st, 2022|

Shortly before closing time, we receive a call from a lady in our administration in Schweinfurt who has picked up a kitten on the street threated to fall victim to traffic. Of course, we immediately agreed, she could bring the kitten in the evening. The little one has fleas

Our sanctuary Pastorale – Rescue of Hannika

September 11th, 2022|

Kamio and Karol (4 years) - The two rabbits were given away - they were threatened with slaughter. Unfortunately, Karol died of a tumor shortly after his arrival. Kamio is now allowed to live a happy rabbit life in our Pastorale.

Our sanctuary Pastorale – Rescue of Hannika

August 30th, 2022|

A Pro Animale friend had acted courageously when he finally succeeded with the cat trap in catching a stray mother cat that had demonstrably given birth to its third litter of kittens this year – an endless cat tragedy.

Our veterinary clinic Altinoluk – Taking in Marvi

August 15th, 2022|

A 10-week-old puppy was brought to us in a precarious state of health, suffering from bloody diarrhea. It should turn out that the little boy was sick with parvovirosis. Miraculously, and only through the magnificent care of Nilgün and her team, the little boy Marvi survived.

Our sanctuary Fallada – Taking in Fiona

August 13th, 2022|

A family from Trzebiatow asked us urgently to take over their dog Fiona (4 years) - the dog was aggressive towards the children. When we received the little dog, we could easily see that the family was probably aggressive towards the little dog, because the little one only snapped

Our sanctuary Yasam Vadisi – Birth of Mesut

August 12th, 2022|

Mesut ("the lucky one") - What a gift from heaven and to Mali. The little Mesut saw the light of day on 12.8.2022 well protected in the care of Nilgün in "Yasam Vadisi". Nilgün had saved the 32-year-old pregnant donkey Mali, who had multiple tumors on her body, on

Marille May – Rescue of Simsalabim

August 10th, 2022|

The typical fate of a pony from private hobby keeping that has become superfluous: one lost interest, had "no more time and no more desire" to take care of the former acquisition. At least one could still get good money for it at the dealer. So the little gelding

Our veterinary clinic – Rescue of Derman

August 4th, 2022|

Nilgün receives the emergency call that there is a Kangal puppy in very bad condition in the city center. The typical drama in the destitution of street dogs is again exemplified here: the just 3 months young orphaned Kangal is already marked by severe mange and demodicosis, completely dehydrated

Our veterinary clinic – Rescue of Enes

August 4th, 2022|

Residents notified us that an orphaned kitten (6 weeks old) was crying piteously. When Nilgün arrived on the scene, she saw that the small, needy creature was stuck on a tree root and could only be saved by the intervention of the fire department. The latter also immediately rushed

Our sanctuary Fellosophie – Rescue of Chanel and Sofia

August 1st, 2022|

We learned of the fate of two dwarf tips, which were to be sold in the newspaper for 1800 €, we suspect from dubious breeder scene. However, since the two dogs were in a completely neglected, matted condition, the dealer found no buyers and left the two to a

New offspring in our Sorisso di San Francesco

July 9th, 2022|

When we took in 10 sheep in February, which had been confiscated by the veterinary office from disastrous conditions, we had no idea that 4 of them were pregnant. In March Pamela gave birth to her lamb Pancratio, which unfortunately died after a few days due to severe deformities

Our vet clinic Altinoluk – Rescue of Elif

June 16th, 2022|

A resident in Altinoluk notifies Nilgün that there is suddenly a dog in front of her house that she has never seen before, she let her into her front yard and offered the starving dog food and water.

Our sanctuary Fellosophie – Rescue of Toto

June 11th, 2022|

Rescue from a killing station in Slatina via a private animal protector. Toto had an inoperable injury on the hind leg, it is thanks to his angelic and kind-hearted character that he already found a private home.

Our vet clinic Altinoluk – Rescue of Pembe

June 7th, 2022|

Once, as a very small puppy, I was fondled and carried around – suddenly I fell ill with an unbearably itchy skin disease, lost my fur, was no longer beautiful to look at and so my humans threw me out onto the street and left

Our Memento – Taking in sheep Sabrina

May 30th, 2022|

Sabrina (3 months) – An animal rights activist from northern Poland experiences firsthand in a neighbor’s garden the dramatic situation of a mother sheep with her two freshly whelped lambs.

Lukasz is taking in Mattheusz and Marta

May 30th, 2022|

Mattheusz (3 years) and Marta (16 years) – Lukasz learns through the community about the fate of a destitute, over 80-year-old lady who has a big heart for dogs – but lives in disastrous, poor living conditions.

Our sanctuary Kolebka Slonca/Poland – Taking in Sara

May 26th, 2022|

A woman from Radakhov acts courageously when she observes a heavily pregnant female on the street. She takes Sara (4 years) into her care, she gives birth to her puppies at the ladies home, who houses the small dog family with her over the winter. The lady keeps one

Our sanctuary Kolebka Slonca/Poland – Taking in Kris

May 3rd, 2022|

Kris, the golden boy had been thrown out onto the streets by his owners with a nonchalance and without batting an eye and "got rid" of him ... How good that we learned about his fate. He, too, may soon hope for loving adoptive parents after going through the

Our sanctuary Fellosophie – Rescue of Thor

May 1st, 2022|

Seven-year-old Thor spent his whole life on an industrial site in Siberia, “serving” to guard the property. Animal friends learned of his miserable fate and managed to rescue him – they urgently asked us to help take Thor in.

Our sanctuary Kolebka Slonca/Poland – Taking in Roki

April 29th, 2022|

Little Roki was vagabonding near a school and kept trying to make contact with the children playing in the playground. He no longer wanted to be alone and was looking for someone to take care of him. The headmistress contacted Lukasz and implored him to help.

Private caretakers for two little pigeons

April 13th, 2022|

At the late hour of 13 April, we receive a call from the excited wife of a craftsman. Her husband was in the process of taking down and replacing huge billboards on the EDEKA premises in Bad Staffelstein and replacing them.

Kollmerhof – Rescue of Moonlight

April 10th, 2022|

Like so many horses in riding establishments, the gentle gelding Moonlight's "career" came to an abrupt end. He had had his day and was threatened with euthanasia. When he came to us, he was in a very neglected condition, suffered from coughing, and his teeth needed immediate rehabilitation. Welcome

Our sanctuary Copernika/Poland – Taking in Phara and Varja

April 3rd, 2022|

We took in two stranded Ukrainian dog refugees who were left behind during transport and no one wanted to take care of them anymore. The two beautiful girls Varja and Phara come from a private Ukrainian animal welfare organisation that lovingly takes care of poor street dogs and shelters

Our sanctuary Sussita Kumi/Poland – Taking in Oda

March 29th, 2022|

We have taken into our care the frail 15-year-old shepherd grandma Oda from the animal shelter in Kolberg. She was carrying a 4 kilogram mammary tumor. Now two weeks after the operation she is doing well according to the circumstances and we very much hope that Oda will be

Our Yasam Vadisi/Turkey – Rescue of Liman

March 28th, 2022|

Rescue of Liman the street dog, who after his castration in our clinic could not be released back onto the streets, surely he would have fallen victim to angry citizens, because he bites men with caps.

Rescue of ukrainian animal refugees

March 23rd, 2022|

After three missions between March and May, thousands of kilometers and several days of travel by Lukasz, Peter and Andreas, more than 100 Ukrainian animal refugees moved into the safe haven of the Pro Animale sanctuaries in Germany, Poland and Austria!

Our sanctuary Doris Zinn – Taking in Lucy

March 11th, 2022|

We took in the severely heart-sick 15-year-old Lucy from our programme for former chain dogs. The owners no longer wanted to take care of their dog and only irregularly administered the medication provided by our vet.

Our clinic Altinoluk – Rescue of Meto

January 28th, 2022|

Meto came into our care with a bad hip fracture. The 7-month old kitten was not able to walk for 3 months. We're doing everything to get the little guy fit again as soon as possible.

Our polish sanctuary ‘Kolebka Slonca’ – Rescue of Kamel

December 9th, 2021|

Rescue from a precarious, disastrous situation. The police and the public health officer had been called because in absolutely antisocial conditions a man had allowed his animals to become destitute, including pigs and a dog that the owner had locked in a steel cage for

Our sanctuary Kolebka Slonca – Rescue of 5 dogs

November 10th, 2021|

Our local veterinary office brought us the two senior citizens, the already 14-year-old Labrador mongrel Berta and the 13-year-old Hovawart mongrel, who had certainly served as chain dogs or farm dogs in the past and had now become superfluous!

Our “Doris Zinn-Herberge” – Rescue of Morgan

October 9th, 2021|

The owner of 10-year-old Morgan had sold his property. Despite an initial promise, the new owners did not want to take Morgan on after all. We are happy to welcome this lovely boy into our care and wouldn't it be nice if we could still find him a loving

Our sanctuary Spartacus/Poland – Rescue of two senior ladies

August 12th, 2021|

The 15-year-old Tereska comes from one of our refuges for former chain dogs. Unfortunately, the dachshund mix lady bites out of fear, even her former owner could only take her in his arms with difficulty. Due to health problems, we have now taken Tereska in. She gets along well

  • Joshua

Rescue of Joshua and Davie

August 10th, 2021|

We were able to rescue 2 year old Joshua and 5 year old Davie from rigorous breeding. Davie loves to be played with, he prefers people as playmates to his own kind.

Our sanctuary Spartacus/Poland – Rescue of Czarny and Babel

August 5th, 2021|

We took in both 8-year-old Czarny and 11-year-old Babel during a visit to the Kolberg animal shelter due to serious physical needs. They are both such calm and uncomplicated loving dogs who get along very well with their fellow dogs in the group. Welcome to our Doris Zinn senior

Our animal shelter Kolebka Slonca/Poland – Rescue of 5 dogs

June 28th, 2021|

Here too, we immediately agreed to take in two very distressed dogs: Kreciol (5 yrs) rescued by the police and Morus (4 yrs) rescued by a vet from extremely anti-social conditions. The 8-week-old puppies Tamara, Tara and Tami were abandoned in a cardboard box in Podosno.  

Our Doris Zinn-Herberge/Poland – Rescue of Maly and Brutus

June 23rd, 2021|

Maly (14 yrs) and Brutus (14 yrs) were allowed to move into our Doris Zinn-Herberge as part of our programme for former chain dogs. As expected, the two senior dogs suffer from various geriatric diseases and are now receiving adequate medical care and loving attention from our caretakers.

Our animal shelter Fallada/Poland – Rescue of 4 dogs

June 21st, 2021|

Azorek (14 yrs), Cezar Lesyk (13 yrs), Dziadek-Dzeki (14.5 yrs) were taken to us from their refuges due to severe health needs/age-related illnesses. We rescued Adela (1.5 years old) from an antisocial alcoholic environment where she was in danger of becoming destitute.

Rescue of Gregorio

April 5th, 2021|

Our accident and neutering clinic in Altinoluk/Turkey: Nilgün is called to a dog lying dead, as it were, in the middle of a busy road. When she arrives on the scene, she moves the car across the traffic to stop it and is able

Rescue of Abdul

April 4th, 2021|

The extremely battered stallion, estimated to be 17 years old, had been abandoned at a dog pound, a disused rubbish horse (the wounds were from the straps), which had collapsed under the load.

Rescue of Tycjan

March 30th, 2021|

Fallada (Northern Poland): Rescued from an alcoholic milieu, the little boy, who is estimated to be two years old, was quite maltreated there and is still quite frightened – a very adorable, well-behaved treasure.

Rescue of Ironheart

March 15th, 2021|

We received an emergency call from an animal welfare agency: A colt had become stuck in a ditch, completely exhausted, and was in danger of dying in agony on the moor!

Rescue of 8 goats and a dog

March 4th, 2021|

We received an emergency call: 8 goats and a dog in a completely antisocial environment were in danger of becoming destitute. The alcoholic owner was already delirious and had not been able to care for his animals for weeks.

Rescue of Adalya

February 28th, 2021|

Adalya , was rescued on 28 February 2021 thanks to the tireless efforts of our representative Nilgün Varos.

Our “Grünes Haus” – Rescue of Lucy

February 27th, 2021|

An emergency call reached us in Schweinfurt on a Saturday afternoon. The police informed us about a cat injured by a car accident in a parking lot. Neither the local animal shelter nor a vet were available. As in many cases, we are the first one to be called....

Rescue of Lucky

February 27th, 2021|

The estimated 5-year-old Lucky was brought to us after a serious car accident, which he only survived by a miracle. Unfortunately, almost 5 days passed between the accident and the time he came into our care.

Rescue of five Greyhounds

February 18th, 2021|

from precarious situation by different breeders: due to Covid-19 the racing business collapses and the Greyhounds were either to be killed or sold illegally to Spain.

Rescue of Fred and Bafi

February 11th, 2021|

Rescue of the two-year-old street dog Fred and the 9-year-old Sharpej-mix Bafi, whose owner had died. The severely emaciated, battered male dog must also have spent a long time alone in the flat until we were notified.

Saving Phoenix

July 7th, 2019|

Phoenix, a medium-sized, nearly one-year-old mixed-breed male brought to Aljoscha Wothke on Tobago in the early evening hours of 3 February, 2019, is also symbolic today of the exploitation and gagging of our animal brothers and sisters by us humans.

Donkey rescue

September 24th, 2018|

In March and September 2018, we managed the extraordinary rescue of 64 refugee donkeys from the sideshows of war on the Turkish-Syrian border in eastern Turkey.