Our sanctuary ‘Fellosophie’ – Rescue of 14 dogs
Felix (3 years), Leyan (2 years), Leon (2 years) and Monti (2 years) came to us from the Azores via Tierschutz Heilbronn.
The siblings Salome, Timo, Robin and Sidan (4 months) came from Romania, where their owner had apparently abandoned the puppies on the street.
Bobby (2 years old), Fritzi (2 years old) and Florica (3 years old) also come from Romanian animal welfare. Florica was dumped in a garbage bag by her owner, managed to free herself and was then taken to the killing centre by dog catchers. She is a gentle, shy girl. Bobbi and Fritzi were also threatened with euthanasia in the killing centre. Now all three are waiting for fulfilling and happy dog years in a family.
Mamba (1,5 y.), Charlie (1,5 y.) were taken over from an animal welfare organisations in Mauritius.
09.12. 2021 – Luyi (3 yrs.) was rescued by private animal welfare workers in Shanghai. Dog catchers had brought him to a police station. We do not know what Luyi may have experienced in the streets of Shanghai.