Our sanctuary “Fallada” – Rescue of 6 dogs

Benio, Bemol, Betty, Bibi, Bronka (2,5 months) are dogs from Charzyno. These five sweethearts were found in front of the gate in Fallada.

We took 11-year-old Heniu into our care from his refuge due to need. The poor boy suffered from a testicular tumour in 2019, which was removed by our vet. Since July this year, the poor senior dog has been going increasingly blind. Heniu’s owners were not the kindest of people, and had not taken much time nor care for their dog. On top Heniu was also difficult to handle at the refuge. With age, he has now become calmer and apparently enjoys the social contact with our other senior dogs in Fallada and, thank God, has arrived safe and quite well at our sanctuary.

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