Welcome to the Doris Zinn-Herberge

In 2018 we were able to enlarge our dog retirement facilities in Spartacus thanks to the Doris Zinn-Herberge. This facility accommodates ageing dogs, especially sick and disabled dogs. These come mainly from our project for former chain dogs.

Current information

58 dogs

We have 5 employees working here in full and part time. The average maintenance costs for Fallada, Spartacus, Doris Zinn-Herberge and Sussita-Kumi amount to € 80,000 per month. In addition, we have average costs of € 9,000 per month for veterinary care.

We receive an average of € 1,620 from Star Money and sponsorships.

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You can support the Pro Animale animal welfare organisation of your choice by becoming a ‘star money’ sponsor.

Sponsorship means an intimate bond

with your sponsored animal. This bond is vital for the safe protection of our animals.