Welcome to Sussita Kumi

Since 1999 this has been horse farm and a species- appropriate cat shelter housing over 150 cats in 240 square metres of living space (a completely gutted farmhouse) with endless hidey-holes as well as a a secure, 1.000-square-metre, outdoor enclosure.
This property is owned by our Polish foundation Fundacjia Pro Animale dla Zwierzat w Potrzebie (founded by Pro Animale für Tiere in Not e. V. Germany).

Current information

We currently provide for
19 horses, 132 cats

We have 8 employees working here in full and part time. The average maintenance costs for Fallada, Spartacus, Doris Zinn-Herberge and Sussita-Kumi amount to € 80,000 per month. In addition, we have average costs of € 9,000 per month for veterinary care.

We receive an average of € 2,570 from Star Money and sponsorships.

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You can support the Pro Animale animal welfare organisation of your choice by becoming a ‘star money’ sponsor.

Sponsorship means an intimate bond

with your sponsored animal. This bond is vital for the safe protection of our animals.

Wellcome to Sussita Kumi

From the very beginning we were confronted with a flood of suffering and homeless cats and very soon we had to realize that due to the psychological disposition of the cats any massaging of conspecifics would inevitably lead to a catastrophic development.

Cats, as they are not pack animals, by their very nature absolutely need freedom and the possibility to avoid each other, otherwise massive stress is created which the animals’ immune system cannot cope with, and the result is the outbreak of chronic diseases. These insights formed the basis for the planning of a very special, alternative cat domicile with 500 square metres of enclosed space and an outdoor enclosure of over 2000 square metres.

Here in Sussita Kumi we have also opened our 3rd refuge for horses from the death transports. Today 22 horses live here.