Welcome to the Lifeline for Irish Horses

This is the largest rescue station to date for horses and donkeys that have either been abandoned to their fate on the streets or would have been killed in one of the horse pounds. Since 2009, the three stables of this horse farm have housed over 120 horses on 60 hectares (150 acres) of land. We also care for over 40 goats and sheep. The Lifeline for Irish Horses is owned by the Fellenberg Foundation Ireland Ltd, established by the Animal Welfare Foundation Fellenberg, Switzerland.

Our charitable purpose is:

a. to benefit the community by providing care to and engaging in the rescue of horses and ungulates in life threatening situations on foot of requests from concerned citizens, local Gardai, animal welfare organisations and horse pounds and to provide appropriate care as required.

b. to establish, provide and maintain an animal shelter for horses and ungulates.

Values: Empathy, compassion, species adequate care, sibling relationship of man and animals, the five freedoms of animal welfare.

Vision: The abolition of exploitation and abuse of horses and other ruminants.

Mission: To rescue as many horses and other ungulates as possible from life-threatening situations and suffering.

Current Information

We currently care for
110 horses, 17 donkeys, 55 goats

We have 8 employees working here in full and part time. The average maintenance costs amount to € 35.000 per month.

We receive an average of € 6,920 from Star Money and sponsorships.

Company No. 498605
Registered Charity No. 20079567

In 2023, we thankfully received an Animal Welfare Grant of € 15,475 from the Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine (DAFM).

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You can support the Pro Animale animal welfare organisation of your choice by becoming a ‘star money’ sponsor.

Sponsorship means an intimate bond

with your sponsored animal. This bond is vital for the safe protection of our animals.