Welcome to Avalon
Since 1998, the first sanctuary for Greyhounds in Ireland. This property is owned by our Irish corporation Pro Animale Ireland Ltd. which was founded by Pro Animale für Tiere in Not e.V. Germany.
With both indoor and outdoor facilities and run in accordance with Pro Animale guidelines, Avalon houses over 70 dogs, cared for by eight animal keepers.
Our charitable purpose is:
a.) to prevent and alleviate suffering by domestic and wild animals;
b.) to rescue as many greyhounds as possible from life threatening situations and suffering, especially those from the dog racing industry;
c.) to establish, provide and maintain animal shelters for stray and unwanted animals, especially greyhounds, and to endeavour to find suitable homes for them.
Values: Empathy, compassion, species adequate care, sibling relationship of man and animals, the five freedoms of animal welfare.
Vision: The abolition of exploitation and abuse of dogs esp. grey-hounds.
Mission: To rescue as many greyhounds as possible from life-threatening situations and suffering.
Current Information
We currently care for
65 dogs, 5 cats and 1 deer
We have 9 employees working here in full and part time. The average maintenance costs amount to € 30.000 per month.
We receive an average of € 5,370 from Star Money and sponsorships.
Company No. 348192
Registered Charity No. 13569