It was the order of the day to act together courageously, undaunted and unreservedly:

Dear friends of Pro Animale,

We have taken you by the hand and led you into a scenario of precarious animal suffering, which is certainly not unique on this planet. For the individuals concerned, however, this scenario was the dark “cosmos” of a hurled existence, which in itself, in its fullness and value, is the only and highest good for these creatures.

This individual life is not literally “a drop in the ocean” when it is salvaged and saved. It is only a drop in the ocean if this life is extinguished in the gloom of anonymity.

Animals everywhere are suffering under human rule and the vision of a world in which animals no longer have to suffer, as we all know, is a utopia.

I have just read the headline from the Badische Zeitung: “Emaciated, neglected or even dead: The public prosecutor’s office and police are currently investigating a case of animal cruelty in St. Blasien. Several cows had to be euthanised on site.” (Badische Zeitung, 30.01.2024)

If, in the face of suffering that cries out to heaven, it is up to me and you and only us to change it, we are called upon to do so in such fateful moments without concession and to reach out to those who are suffering:

This is what happened to the 27 cattle and 2 goats that had to endure years of exploitation and destitution.

Together we were and are – you, dear friends of Pro Animale, as those who enable us to do this financially, and we as the actors on the front line and at grassroots level – really their only hope of escaping the vicious circle of their servitude and being led into a new, caring, dignified life that they deserve.

We are dismayed and deeply saddened that we were unable to help the three pigs in this place, believe us, we did everything in our power to save them too – but for epidemiological reasons they were not allowed to leave the farm and tragically had to be euthanised.

Now, however, no more animals will have to suffer in this place – the farmer will be banned from keeping animals for life, along with other penalties.

Dear friends of Pro Animale, we would like to thank you on behalf of these animals, who have been deeply humiliated for years, for your solidarity and special support.

THANK YOU for enabling us to say “Fear no more” to these cattle and the mother goat with her kid.

Even if this great responsibility of an additional 27-strong herd of cattle is a burden for us in view of the generally extremely tight financial situation, it was the absolute necessity of the hour to lead these cattle, many of which are still carrying unborn cows in their wombs, to “freedom”.

Here is a film showing some impressions of the rescue, the transport and the animals’ first hours in the safe haven of Delicia Natural:


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Dear friends,

Together, we must gather all our energy and strength to keep creating new and lasting worlds in which we lead our fellow creatures out of the un-worlds of injustice into living spaces, realms of lived co-creation.

Help us to expand our circle of friends by becoming ambassadors of Pro Animale Animal Life!

With this in mind, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your great support in the rescue of these animal siblings.

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