Welcome to Copernika

Since 2012, more than 210 dogs have been living here permanently under our protection in accordance with Pro Animale guidelines. Situated in a 17-hectare, former military area, this home-like environment has nearly 12 hectares (30 acres) of natural, outdoor play space.
This property is owned by our Polish foundation Fundacjia Pro Animale dla Zwierzat w Potrzebie (founded by Pro Animale für Tiere in Not e. V. Germany).

Current information

We currently care for
231 mixed-breed dogs, 2 tanuki and 37 raccoons.

We have 13 employees working here in full and part time. The average maintenance costs amount to € 26,000 per month.

We receive an average of € 7,430 from Star Money and sponsorships.

Image archive


You can support the Pro Animale animal welfare organisation of your choice by becoming a ‘star money’ sponsor.

Sponsorship means an intimate bond

with your sponsored animal. This bond is vital for the safe protection of our animals.