Lukasz learns from a local animal welfare officer that seven cattle are in danger of dying in agony on a farmer’s farm. Local residents had observed the cattle screaming and a massive animal cruelty attack on a cow.
Facts: The cattle were pegged on a meadow without provision of drinking water. One cow had collapsed dehydrated and the farmer tied her to hoses on his tractor and dragged her across the pasture over and over again for two days (to force her to get up) – this cow, maltreated to death, did not survive the torture inflicted on her. When the medical officer arrives, she is in her last breaths and has already aspirated stomach contents into her lungs.
The mayor immediately takes full responsibility of a rigorous seizure with a ban on keeping animals. He urgently asks Lukasz (Pro Animale) to take over the animals, otherwise he will not be able to carry out the enforcement. We agree. The police appear to reprimand the aggressive farmer and accompany the nightly confiscation until the last bovine is loaded and can be transported to Delicia Natural. The six survivors reach the safe haven of Pro Animale for Animals in Need in the early hours of the morning at 3:00 am.


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